"Sticky" selection of Sidebar Categories?

There is a function to edit the selection of categories but I can’t find a way for my selection to be activated, let alone be sticky.

Can someone enlighten me, please?

the checkbox on the right, then click on “Save Changes”

I have used that multiple times and expected (a) that the selection I made would be activated, and (b) saved. But neither have ever happened, thus my posting asking for help.

EDIT: To be clear, I did also change the “All” to “Selected” in the three-choice dropdown at the right of the top line.

Folks, can anyone here report that filtering of categories

actually works for them?

Works for me on mobile.

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Thx. I’m finding it unworkable on my desktop (in Edge) - I’ll try my mobile (Firefox on iPhone) and report.

Doesn’t work for me on iPhone either.

I select “Selected” in the header line box, I tick off the Categories I want to see, and hit the Save button. When I go back to the main Category page, all the categories are present, not just those I selected as described.

Am I missing something or are my expectations inappropriate?

Well, I have eventually realized what the selection process does (and it does work).

Its only action is to change the sidebar’s categories list, where I had expected it to remove the unselected categories from all default displays.

Marking this solved…

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“Mute” works wonders.

Please help me understand how you think I might use it in the context of this example. As far as I can see it’s only for embedding in the content of a single post (topic).

Profile → Settings → Tracking → Categories → Muted

Enter the categories you don’t want to see on the categories screen. Also you won’t receive notifications etc.

They will be folded away under a “muted” category. A bit like a details tag

I have “International” muted. (Sorry guys)


Thank you. I had not looked at “Tracking”. I finally found/noticed it at Profile>Preferences>Account>Tracking

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Guess I will place my New User's Configuration Guide to the TrueNAS Forums here as well.


This worked fine for me on desktop (firefox) but I was a little concerned whether I was doing a global change or just for myself. Its good to discover this thread and find out it is an option for all users.

I wanted everything to be visible, so I ticked all of them, chose ‘save’ and I was given what I expected: not having to “unhide” a category I frequently return to.

The same effect can be accomplished for tags.

You don’t want to have all tags visible unless you can set your monitor vertically.

Right. I only added a few more that I might be interested in seeing without extra work.