Transfer of Apps pool from one drive to another in TrueNas Scale


How can I transfer the Apps pool from one drive to another?

  • Current situation is I have the Apps pool running off 1 hard drive.
  • I have another hard drive which I’d like to run the Apps pool off instead.
  • How can I achieve this?


Assuming you’re using SCALE, just choose a different pool for your apps. It will ask you whether you want to move your existing apps there. Though I can’t see what your question has to do with your topic title.

Yes sorry, when I posted I originally had the idea of adding the new drive to the Apps pool and then removing the old drive from the Apps pool, but wasn’t sure how that would work and thought it’d be a better idea to ask the question more generally. Have edited the title.

If I just plug in the new drive to create a new Apps pool, does that mean I need to reinstall everything to the new drive?

If so, how would the addition and removal of a drive from an existing pool work?

No–when you choose a new apps pool, TrueNAS will ask whether you want to move your existing apps to that pool. If you do, it does it for you.

Awesome, that was amazingly straightfoward

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Hello @PZ0013 ,

I would like to do exactly the same but I never got the prompt/suggestion to move my existing apps (which reside on another pool obviously).
Did you follow a specific procedure?
