TrueNAS SCALE is Now Available!

Correct, a lot of folks wait until .1 or .2 to jump over to a new train. That would put us at about 4-6 months out for lots of users moving to EE at the end of the year.

Same problem, it occurs randomly even cleared browser cache, which annoy me frequently when I login in and have to add back widgets.

Like your suggestion, I do have plan to purchase Arc A380 graphic card for my entertainment centre on Truenas, however, after reveiwing the card performance, the idle power consumption become the only obstacle. I might think twice if the software also support well.

As of yesterday, SCALE is the most popular SCALE release.

Code-freeze has happened for 24.04.2 . so its expected in early July after more QA.
We expect that to become the recommended version for Conservative and Mision critical users.


Thanks for providing a rough estimate for 24.04.2. I would be said conservative user so looking forward to it so I can update from Cobia.

Does it include a fix for the pool import regression in 24.04.0 and 24.04.1?

Yes, should be faster when a lot of snapshots are present again.

Looking at 7/9 for the release date currently.


We always let it bake in the sun for 2-6 weeks before declaring it ready for conservative users. But, we assume that most of the known issues are fixed.

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Thatā€™s a long time to have to wait to get updated ā€œnumbersā€! Weā€™re all curious if this version will be more ā€œpopularā€ yet.

numbers show more people book cruses on Carnival than on the Titantic.

I can guarantee it will be more popular. I canā€™t guarantee its close to ā€œbug freeā€ until thousands of people have tested for weeks.

You can never ā€˜guaranteeā€™ that. -e.g. can you say that about CORE?

Debian is considered a stable Linux but Linux itself is not itself bug free (because of how itā€™s designed; the kernel aloneā€”not counting anything elseā€”has more than 15 million lines of code). OpenBSD is the only OS that can consider itself ā€œmore free of bugs than any other mainstream OSā€ (it has somewhere in the realm of 2million lines in the entire OS).

That aside, you should never say that anyways.

There are known and documented limitations in TrueNAS 13.0-U6. That will never change.

On our stable hardware, weā€™ve had very few 13.0-U6 bug reports that have impacted customer ability to deliver services promised. Its suitable for Conservative and Mission-critical customers. My response is to that request for a ā€œConservativeā€ user.

XEN has well below 1 mio lines SLOC; and the devs work on further reducing it, too. (Thatā€™s why QubesOS is such a nice idea.)

Just tested the sidegrade to SCALE.

  1. The UI is okay (things are more ā€œburiedā€ if that make sense).
  2. The guide is hidden! Make that button green on the tile or give it space on the sidebar so people can find it.

That is all.

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  1. Space is big. CORE: 1.3gb SCALE 2.4gb. not sure you can do anything about that but thatā€™s kind of annoying.
  2. ā€œRestartā€ should be ā€œRebootā€ IMO. I missed it and looked for how to ā€œrebootā€ but this is nit-picking however I did initially miss it so I thought it worth a mention.
  1. System did not ā€œrestartā€. I seemed to hang (no display on monitor and I didnā€™t have a keyboard attached). I did not investigate why anymore and I held down power button and restarted the PC manually.

this system is being replaced with FreeBSD 14.1 and I only restarted on a whim.

Alright, last one. While I put FreeBSD on a USB for an install. I rebooted the tester machine from SCALE to CORE.

  1. Rebooted (forced) into CORE and I noticed that the CPU usage is down to what Iā€™d expect. On SCALE CPU was hovering about 2-4% now its down at 0.

TrueNAS is going away on this machine now. Too much time spend playing.

Iā€™m happy you found a solution that fits your needs and preferences better.

Welcome, @nugget.

Thanks, but I was just playing around (SCALE had an uptime of a whole 14minutes before it died a quick deathā€“which is the second longest Linux install I have had :p). I said I would install/try the TrueNAS CORE 13.3 BETA2 and I wanted to test an idea. My test was very simple but you can see the other post here:

There is a link to the documentation on the dashboard. Starting in Electric Eel it will be even easier to find documentation than in CORE with the new global search feature.
