TrueNAS SCALE 24.10-BETA.1 is Now Available!

Hi! Is it only me who can’t see Nvidia drivers in 24.10-Beta.1?

Release notes have the info on how to add them. 24.10 (Electric Eel) Version Notes | TrueNAS Documentation Hub


It’s from the MASTER branch heading toward OpenZFS 2.3

Vote for this feature request if you want to be able to bind ports to IPs in apps, and not just compose :slight_smile:


Updated all my systems to BETA.1.

Sadly, UPS reporting page is blank. Been that way for long time and bug reports don’t seem to get any traction.

Is there anything we can reveal so far about the next major version, 25.04 “Fangtooth”?

Confirmed this has sorted things for me and others.
Have been running EE for a little bit now and have not run into any issues, very stable for a BETA build. Looking forward to custom apps and a YAML editor mostly though!

You should be able to have a poke about the atlassian board (development->releases) for changes, though haven’t seen anything specific on major goals so am also interested.

New Record:
Electric Eel BETA has passed its 1,000 system milestone in 3 days.

With 1,000 systems, we will have the diversity of hardware, use-cases and configurations to ensure high quality for RC.1 and RELEASE.

RC.1 is planned for later in September. The Nightlies are usable for sneak peeks but recommended only for developers and serious testers.

Thanks to everyone for downloading and testing. The feedback above has been great and we’re looking forward to the next phase.

Fangtooth discussions will largely happen after we get to Electric Eel RELEASE. We have indicated plans for Inca and LXC.


I just looked at mine and … empty as well

Thanks for the update, looking forward to Docker Compose support.
Is the ZFS resize support still planned for 24.10?

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You mean raidz expansion? That is already in BETA.

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Reporting in on my experience. Installed the beta. The one IX app that I was using (plex) migrated fine. Kudos for that, can’t have been easy! The custom apps just disappeared (OK by me - anything to end the pain that was and bring in the improved experience using docker)! Also, jails are continuing to work as advised.

Installed the new Nginx-Proxy-Manager as I was using the truecharts one, and a pleasant surprise - low ports are now supported! Yusss. That saves me some further pain.

For the remaining missing apps, I’ve just created them in docker using the normal terminal docker commands. This works perfectly. However, they do not show up in the TrueNAS app gui for some reason, though they do show up in portainer alongside the others if I install that. I’m a little worried about why only the official apps are in the list (in terms of the direction TrueNAS is aiming to take), I am sure we will get an explanation on that shortly.

And in finality, THANKYOU SO MUCH to the TrueNAS team for what was in my opinion a very difficult decision to make, for listening to your customers and for taking the leap of faith this took and even at this early stage for implementing it so well. I’m very impressed with what I’m seeing. Well done all!



UPS reporting is working fine on my test VM.


My UPS reporting is working just fine now … I boneheadedly neglected to setup the UPS service so of course it wasn’t reporting anything, lol


Please start a new thread with the issue. Its not something I’ve seen reported elsewhere.

We’ll need full hardware specs and details of how you installed or upgraded your system.

If no-one can spot an issue, you can then report a bug.

It’s possible Docker is attempting to start too early in the boot process, before certain other processes are running, which would explain why restarting the service after everything is up and running works. But as @Captain_Morgan said, please open a new thread with more details.

I have same.
My solution was, boot back 24.4, and delete this beta.

Just to confirm… you are also having to reset the pool?

Just odd… 24.10 beta give error what i cant dismiss.
Now 24.04.2 no errors but when i go boot pool status…

pool: boot-pool
state: ONLINE
status: One or more features are enabled on the pool despite not being
requested by the ‘compatibility’ property.
action: Consider setting ‘compatibility’ to an appropriate value, or
adding needed features to the relevant file in
/etc/zfs/compatibility.d or /usr/share/zfs/compatibility.d.

Edit. Fresh install works just fine

Thank you this is great! Really need the [File Browser] app (or something equivalent) before I can upgrade, when will this be migrated?