Hi, first time posting here sorry if I missed something.
I run TrueNAS Scale Dragonfish-24.04.2 at home. When I only setup using 1 NIC can use it normally though GUI, no refresh or anything. When I create a VLAN on the second NIC and set it up in static my GUI keeps refreshing and saying:
“Connecting to TrueNAS … Make sure the TrueNAS system is powered on and connected to the network.”
I try pinning my GUI to the first NIC which is at and it still refreshes. Tried to open it with still have the same issues.
If anyone could point me to the right direction I would be willing to follow. If you need more information I can provide them.
You’ll have to document your network, IP addressing and default gateways…
The default gateway is only set on the main NIC which is and i dont think there is more(?) I couldn’t find any other default gateway on my truenas settings.
this is my setting on my network tab. the parent interface of those 3 vlans are the enp3s0. When I accessed the GUI from outside using tailscale it doesn’t refresh like when i access it at home.
So… have you checked connectivity via ping?
Yes. I can ping all of the ip that are in my screenshot. The client from each VLAN can connect to the SMB/NFS share no problem.
The only problem is the GUI refresh and SSH also timed out.
Did you ping over the VPN?.. that’s where you have the problem.
No. I ping when im at home using local connection, from each VM that are on the VLAN.
I found a post on forum that looks like they got the same problem but it’s not solved yet.
And also i found a post on reddit that i think similar to my problem also. I tried to add the Outbound rule as the comment suggested but still no luck. I use opnsense as my firewall/router, I think i forgot to mention that if that’s an important info.
As the forum post is implying, it sounds like a networking issue.
You need to test the network when it is failing to confirm.
If it is the network, documenting it well might help someone find the mistake.
Thank you very much for responding to my problem.
I fixed it by re-reading the comment on the reddit post again. It might be just a “band aid” solution as it seems after I research it again it was just a bad networking on my side (asymmetric routing). Kinda new to the networking so I just settled with the “band aid” solution for now.
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