UPS Runtime Graph: Choose between units of day, minutes or even seconds

Currently the UPS Runtime is graphed using units expressed in days, eg. 0.03 days.

0.03 days is shown for an actual runtime of ~3200 seconds or ~54 minutes), and a Max figure of 0.1 days (unlikely - that would be 8640 seconds which is almost possible) and both Mean and Min are entirely missing (0 days).

0.03 days and 0.1 days are not very “friendly”, or even useful, units, at least not for smaller UPSs.

Being able to choose between minutes (or even seconds) as an alternative unit to days for the UPS Runtime graph would be nice.

And perhaps a more appropriate unit will also “fix” Max, Mean and Min?

There are multiple reports on Jira asking for a more suitable runtime unit:

Thanks for your consideration. :+1:

Image attached from Scale 24.10.2 and Cyberpower CP1500EPFCLCD UPS (typically ~3200 seconds runtime):

Days is absolutely useless as a unit for UPS runtime. Even if not user configurable, making it minutes or hours would make this actually usable.

I am jealous. You actually get [redacted] graphs in SCALE. :rofl:

If the problem is because you’re using a UPS in SLAVE mode, I’ve posted a temporary fix in my other feature request. :slightly_smiling_face: