Welcome again to Forums!

Just posted a resource but couldn’t select the resource category. Can it be moved?

Just moved that for you!

Just tried to add another one. Got an error saying I can’t post link to that host. The host is Github.
Also, my other resources were hidden by community flags.

I understand the need in general to prevent spam by users having to wait to reply to posts, but there really needs to be an exception for early registrations which are likely to be people who are existing members of the old forums.

You posted quick and the spam detection kicked in. Updated your posts, should all be good now.

Agreed, I may just bump all the early adopters up to Trust Level 1 to avoid this issue.

Yes, Kris, please do that!!

It is done. If we missed anybody please let me know.


Thanks for that information - where may the details of the codes be found?

As in, which types of code you can specify? Looks like the available list is here:

Which ones are configured on this forum I don’t know. And you can tell it to not highlight by using ```text to start the block.

The image size limits for the avatar profile pic seem to be using different delimiters than the text suggests. A bog-standard JPEG was rejected @ 1.2MB as being being bigger than 4MB.

The first accepted image was a standard 885kB JPEG on my system. I doubt the Mac and the new forum have that different a standard or is TrueNAS converting them to BMPs? :grinning:

Thanks - study required, obviously.

EDIT: I never imagined missing Xenforo!

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Interesting. I’ll take a look at what’s going on there.

My workstation over here calculated wrong, too, as the forum told me that 800kB > 4MB.

Give the upload another shot. That was an issue on our end with nginx in front of it we think :slight_smile:

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Is it just me or is the default font size a bit smaller and less comfortable? Sure, I can just zoom in, but I want to figure out if I’m going crazy.

I’m just eyeballing it, but I don’t think so–with the two windows side by side, the text size looks the same to me.

You can increase it in your profile’s settings. In general the whole UI feels more crammed.

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Hi, I’m Winnie. :wave:

According to the WinnieTiks Survey Group*, I have a 96% approval rating and was voted #1 Superstar Best User Ever On The Legacy TrueNAS Forums. :trophy:

My hobbies include:

  • Complaining
  • Whining
  • Bribery
  • Complaining when my bribes are rejected
  • Storing my data on ZFS

*Paid for by the Elect Winnie 2024 Super PAC


Look at this winnie, ignoring my chat poke!

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