Jellyfin HWA with Intel ARC A310

Scale 24.10.1
Intel A310 dGPU

When I enable hardware acceleration in Jellyfin and set QSV and /dev/dri/renderD128
i can force transcoding by setting playback in browser to like 1.5mbps to force lower quality and hit 50% cpu usage. This is same % with and without QSV.

I believe my integrated intel graphics are being passed instead of my intel Arc A310 dGpu. I cannot confirm what my actual render device is.

My a310 card is detected by truenas (that can be added to isolated gpu and via below command). I am using official Truenas jellyfin app and enabled pass non-nvidea gpu flag on.

I cant find in my BIOS an option to disable iGPU. Intel(R) Xeon(R) E-2324G CPU

Below shows my A310 listed and i guess ASPEED motherboard

Is it possible my iGPU is below, and not my dGPU?

I dont have any errors in Jellyfin, just dont see any benefits of HWA…