The Problem
I just replaced all of my drives in my TrueNAS server going from 6x4TB drives to 8x14TB drives in RAIDZ2. The array created just fine, I started moving my backup data back to the newly created array and then went to bed. I wake up to multiple alerts about the array being degraded. Whats more concerning is two drives are mentioned between all the emails but only one show as faulted. Now I know that you can get a bad drive now and then but I guess I am looking for a little assistance as I am not a ZFS expert before I trash the array and test the two drives in question.
From my email alerts here are a some of the errors I am receiving:
- Device: /dev/sde [SAT], not capable of SMART self-check.
- Device: /dev/sde [SAT], Read SMART Self-Test Log Failed.
- Device: /dev/sde [SAT], Read SMART Error Log Failed.
- Device: /dev/sde [SAT], failed to read SMART Attribute Data.
- Device: /dev/sdg [SAT], failed to read SMART Attribute Data.
- Device: /dev/sdg [SAT], Read SMART Self-Test Log Failed.
And then there is:
Pool spinners state is ONLINE: One or more devices are faulted in response to > persistent errors. Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in > a degraded state.
The following devices are not healthy:Disk WDC_WUH721414ALE6L4 9MGBVN0T is FAULTED
Disk WDC_WUH721414ALE6L4 9MGBVN0T maps to /dev/sdg
What have I tried
It’s interesting that two drives are called out in all the messages above but only /dev/sdg is marked as failed. Since most of the errors appear to be smart related I run smartctl -x against both of the drives and to my surprise they come back with information and from what I see everything looks fine. I’ll place the output of those command below.
I decide that maybe it’s just a fluke and attempt clear the error by running zpool clear spinners and then run a couple zpool status in rapic sucession. I noticed that for a moment the array started resilvering but then the /dev/sde drive temporarily goes faulted. Now I wasn’t taking notes but I think /dev/sde went back to online and then it came back to /dev/sdg in a failed state. I really wish I had taken better notes during this step and I suppose I could try it again as nothing currently saved on the array is important at this point.
I’ve also re-seated the drives and checked all the cable connections but I am not exactly sure where to go from here.
zpool status output
truenas_admin@nas[~]$ sudo zpool status
pool: boot-pool
state: ONLINE
scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:00:13 with 0 errors on Sat Nov 9 03:45:15 2024
boot-pool ONLINE 0 0 0
mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdi3 ONLINE 0 0 0
sdj3 ONLINE 0 0 0
errors: No known data errors
pool: spinners
state: ONLINE
status: One or more devices are faulted in response to persistent errors.
Sufficient replicas exist for the pool to continue functioning in a
degraded state.
action: Replace the faulted device, or use 'zpool clear' to mark the device
scan: resilvered 15.4M in 00:00:01 with 0 errors on Thu Nov 14 14:33:17 2024
spinners ONLINE 0 0 0
raidz2-0 ONLINE 0 0 0
34e72a4d-7818-4b0f-b451-fe08f3a0b889 ONLINE 0 0 0
45c26a5f-7929-462a-ab29-a5db62aa2ac1 ONLINE 0 0 0
5974936a-65f8-4c4e-862b-565a05caf1b7 ONLINE 0 0 0
6c125305-3b0d-4f4c-b9d7-fece449bb321 ONLINE 0 0 0
ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547 FAULTED 7 3266 0 too many errors
7793656b-2429-4c67-b2a3-6bdca892f809 ONLINE 0 0 0
b46f5b6f-6f82-415d-a101-f88dddd4109f ONLINE 0 0 0
ba79d8ec-8bec-446b-8909-3e9230e75725 ONLINE 0 0 0
sde SMART info
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.6.44-production+truenas] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
Model Family: Western Digital Ultrastar DC HC530
Device Model: WDC WUH721414ALE6L4
Serial Number: 9LGETRAG
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 28fc6459f
Firmware Version: LDGNW400
User Capacity: 14,000,519,643,136 bytes [14.0 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate: 7200 rpm
Form Factor: 3.5 inches
Device is: In smartctl database 7.3/5528
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is: SATA 3.2, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Thu Nov 14 15:37:51 2024 CST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
AAM feature is: Unavailable
APM level is: 254 (maximum performance)
Rd look-ahead is: Enabled
Write cache is: Enabled
DSN feature is: Unavailable
ATA Security is: Disabled, NOT FROZEN [SEC1]
Wt Cache Reorder: Enabled
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x80) Offline data collection activity
was never started.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 101) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
No Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: (1457) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x003d) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate PO-R-- 100 100 001 - 0
2 Throughput_Performance P-S--- 100 100 054 - 0
3 Spin_Up_Time POS--- 096 096 001 - 163
4 Start_Stop_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 2
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 100 100 001 - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate PO-R-- 100 100 001 - 0
8 Seek_Time_Performance P-S--- 100 100 020 - 0
9 Power_On_Hours -O--C- 100 100 000 - 16
10 Spin_Retry_Count PO--C- 100 100 001 - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 2
22 Helium_Level PO---K 100 100 025 - 100
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 3
193 Load_Cycle_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 3
194 Temperature_Celsius -O---- 052 052 000 - 41 (Min/Max 19/44)
196 Reallocated_Event_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector -O---K 100 100 000 - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable ---R-- 100 100 000 - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O-R-- 100 100 000 - 0
||||||_ K auto-keep
|||||__ C event count
||||___ R error rate
|||____ S speed/performance
||_____ O updated online
|______ P prefailure warning
General Purpose Log Directory Version 1
SMART Log Directory Version 1 [multi-sector log support]
Address Access R/W Size Description
0x00 GPL,SL R/O 1 Log Directory
0x01 SL R/O 1 Summary SMART error log
0x02 SL R/O 1 Comprehensive SMART error log
0x03 GPL R/O 1 Ext. Comprehensive SMART error log
0x04 GPL R/O 256 Device Statistics log
0x04 SL R/O 255 Device Statistics log
0x06 SL R/O 1 SMART self-test log
0x07 GPL R/O 1 Extended self-test log
0x08 GPL R/O 2 Power Conditions log
0x09 SL R/W 1 Selective self-test log
0x0c GPL R/O 5501 Pending Defects log
0x10 GPL R/O 1 NCQ Command Error log
0x11 GPL R/O 1 SATA Phy Event Counters log
0x12 GPL R/O 1 SATA NCQ Non-Data log
0x13 GPL R/O 1 SATA NCQ Send and Receive log
0x15 GPL R/W 1 Rebuild Assist log
0x21 GPL R/O 1 Write stream error log
0x22 GPL R/O 1 Read stream error log
0x24 GPL R/O 256 Current Device Internal Status Data log
0x25 GPL R/O 256 Saved Device Internal Status Data log
0x2f GPL R/O 1 Set Sector Configuration
0x30 GPL,SL R/O 9 IDENTIFY DEVICE data log
0x80-0x9f GPL,SL R/W 16 Host vendor specific log
0xe0 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Command/Status
0xe1 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Data Transfer
SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No Errors Logged
SMART Extended Self-test Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No self-tests have been logged. [To run self-tests, use: smartctl -t]
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
SCT Status Version: 3
SCT Version (vendor specific): 256 (0x0100)
Device State: Active (0)
Current Temperature: 41 Celsius
Power Cycle Min/Max Temperature: 36/41 Celsius
Lifetime Min/Max Temperature: 19/44 Celsius
Under/Over Temperature Limit Count: 0/0
SMART Status: 0xc24f (PASSED)
Minimum supported ERC Time Limit: 65 (6.5 seconds)
SCT Temperature History Version: 2
Temperature Sampling Period: 1 minute
Temperature Logging Interval: 1 minute
Min/Max recommended Temperature: 0/60 Celsius
Min/Max Temperature Limit: -40/70 Celsius
Temperature History Size (Index): 128 (50)
Index Estimated Time Temperature Celsius
51 2024-11-14 13:30 43 ************************
... ..( 57 skipped). .. ************************
109 2024-11-14 14:28 43 ************************
110 2024-11-14 14:29 36 *****************
... ..( 3 skipped). .. *****************
114 2024-11-14 14:33 36 *****************
115 2024-11-14 14:34 37 ******************
... ..( 8 skipped). .. ******************
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127 2024-11-14 14:46 38 *******************
... ..( 9 skipped). .. *******************
9 2024-11-14 14:56 38 *******************
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28 2024-11-14 15:15 40 *********************
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47 2024-11-14 15:34 41 **********************
48 2024-11-14 15:35 41 **********************
49 2024-11-14 15:36 41 **********************
50 2024-11-14 15:37 43 ************************
SCT Error Recovery Control:
Read: Disabled
Write: Disabled
Device Statistics (GP Log 0x04)
Page Offset Size Value Flags Description
0x01 ===== = = === == General Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x01 0x008 4 2 --- Lifetime Power-On Resets
0x01 0x010 4 16 --- Power-on Hours
0x01 0x018 6 293133704 --- Logical Sectors Written
0x01 0x020 6 679535 --- Number of Write Commands
0x01 0x028 6 77139572 --- Logical Sectors Read
0x01 0x030 6 1597899 --- Number of Read Commands
0x01 0x038 6 57665050 --- Date and Time TimeStamp
0x03 ===== = = === == Rotating Media Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x03 0x008 4 15 --- Spindle Motor Power-on Hours
0x03 0x010 4 15 --- Head Flying Hours
0x03 0x018 4 3 --- Head Load Events
0x03 0x020 4 0 --- Number of Reallocated Logical Sectors
0x03 0x028 4 0 --- Read Recovery Attempts
0x03 0x030 4 1 --- Number of Mechanical Start Failures
0x04 ===== = = === == General Errors Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x04 0x008 4 0 --- Number of Reported Uncorrectable Errors
0x04 0x010 4 0 --- Resets Between Cmd Acceptance and Completion
0x04 0x018 4 0 --- Physical Element Status Changed
0x05 ===== = = === == Temperature Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x05 0x008 1 41 --- Current Temperature
0x05 0x010 1 42 N-- Average Short Term Temperature
0x05 0x018 1 - N-- Average Long Term Temperature
0x05 0x020 1 44 --- Highest Temperature
0x05 0x028 1 19 --- Lowest Temperature
0x05 0x030 1 43 N-- Highest Average Short Term Temperature
0x05 0x038 1 23 N-- Lowest Average Short Term Temperature
0x05 0x040 1 - N-- Highest Average Long Term Temperature
0x05 0x048 1 - N-- Lowest Average Long Term Temperature
0x05 0x050 4 0 --- Time in Over-Temperature
0x05 0x058 1 60 --- Specified Maximum Operating Temperature
0x05 0x060 4 0 --- Time in Under-Temperature
0x05 0x068 1 0 --- Specified Minimum Operating Temperature
0x06 ===== = = === == Transport Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x06 0x008 4 4 --- Number of Hardware Resets
0x06 0x010 4 2 --- Number of ASR Events
0x06 0x018 4 0 --- Number of Interface CRC Errors
0xff ===== = = === == Vendor Specific Statistics (rev 1) ==
|||_ C monitored condition met
||__ D supports DSN
|___ N normalized value
Pending Defects log (GP Log 0x0c)
No Defects Logged
SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11)
ID Size Value Description
0x0001 2 0 Command failed due to ICRC error
0x0002 2 0 R_ERR response for data FIS
0x0003 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host data FIS
0x0004 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS
0x0005 2 0 R_ERR response for non-data FIS
0x0006 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host non-data FIS
0x0007 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS
0x0008 2 0 Device-to-host non-data FIS retries
0x0009 2 1 Transition from drive PhyRdy to drive PhyNRdy
0x000a 2 2 Device-to-host register FISes sent due to a COMRESET
0x000b 2 0 CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
0x000d 2 0 Non-CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
sdg SMART info
smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.6.44-production+truenas] (local build)
Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,
Model Family: Western Digital Ultrastar DC HC530
Device Model: WDC WUH721414ALE6L4
Serial Number: 9MGBVN0T
LU WWN Device Id: 5 000cca 290c5641b
Firmware Version: LDGNW400
User Capacity: 14,000,519,643,136 bytes [14.0 TB]
Sector Sizes: 512 bytes logical, 4096 bytes physical
Rotation Rate: 7200 rpm
Form Factor: 3.5 inches
Device is: In smartctl database 7.3/5528
ATA Version is: ACS-2, ATA8-ACS T13/1699-D revision 4
SATA Version is: SATA 3.2, 6.0 Gb/s (current: 6.0 Gb/s)
Local Time is: Thu Nov 14 15:39:04 2024 CST
SMART support is: Available - device has SMART capability.
SMART support is: Enabled
AAM feature is: Unavailable
APM feature is: Disabled
Rd look-ahead is: Enabled
Write cache is: Enabled
DSN feature is: Unavailable
ATA Security is: Disabled, NOT FROZEN [SEC1]
Wt Cache Reorder: Enabled
SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED
General SMART Values:
Offline data collection status: (0x80) Offline data collection activity
was never started.
Auto Offline Data Collection: Enabled.
Self-test execution status: ( 0) The previous self-test routine completed
without error or no self-test has ever
been run.
Total time to complete Offline
data collection: ( 101) seconds.
Offline data collection
capabilities: (0x5b) SMART execute Offline immediate.
Auto Offline data collection on/off support.
Suspend Offline collection upon new
Offline surface scan supported.
Self-test supported.
No Conveyance Self-test supported.
Selective Self-test supported.
SMART capabilities: (0x0003) Saves SMART data before entering
power-saving mode.
Supports SMART auto save timer.
Error logging capability: (0x01) Error logging supported.
General Purpose Logging supported.
Short self-test routine
recommended polling time: ( 2) minutes.
Extended self-test routine
recommended polling time: (1400) minutes.
SCT capabilities: (0x003d) SCT Status supported.
SCT Error Recovery Control supported.
SCT Feature Control supported.
SCT Data Table supported.
SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number: 16
Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds:
1 Raw_Read_Error_Rate PO-R-- 100 100 001 - 0
2 Throughput_Performance P-S--- 100 100 054 - 0
3 Spin_Up_Time POS--- 096 096 001 - 159
4 Start_Stop_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 8
5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct PO--CK 100 100 001 - 0
7 Seek_Error_Rate PO-R-- 100 100 001 - 0
8 Seek_Time_Performance P-S--- 100 100 020 - 0
9 Power_On_Hours -O--C- 100 100 000 - 16
10 Spin_Retry_Count PO--C- 100 100 001 - 0
12 Power_Cycle_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 8
22 Helium_Level PO---K 100 100 025 - 100
192 Power-Off_Retract_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 35
193 Load_Cycle_Count -O--C- 100 100 000 - 35
194 Temperature_Celsius -O---- 042 042 000 - 50 (Min/Max 20/56)
196 Reallocated_Event_Count -O--CK 100 100 000 - 0
197 Current_Pending_Sector -O---K 100 100 000 - 0
198 Offline_Uncorrectable ---R-- 100 100 000 - 0
199 UDMA_CRC_Error_Count -O-R-- 100 100 000 - 0
||||||_ K auto-keep
|||||__ C event count
||||___ R error rate
|||____ S speed/performance
||_____ O updated online
|______ P prefailure warning
General Purpose Log Directory Version 1
SMART Log Directory Version 1 [multi-sector log support]
Address Access R/W Size Description
0x00 GPL,SL R/O 1 Log Directory
0x01 SL R/O 1 Summary SMART error log
0x02 SL R/O 1 Comprehensive SMART error log
0x03 GPL R/O 1 Ext. Comprehensive SMART error log
0x04 GPL R/O 256 Device Statistics log
0x04 SL R/O 255 Device Statistics log
0x06 SL R/O 1 SMART self-test log
0x07 GPL R/O 1 Extended self-test log
0x08 GPL R/O 2 Power Conditions log
0x09 SL R/W 1 Selective self-test log
0x0c GPL R/O 5501 Pending Defects log
0x10 GPL R/O 1 NCQ Command Error log
0x11 GPL R/O 1 SATA Phy Event Counters log
0x12 GPL R/O 1 SATA NCQ Non-Data log
0x13 GPL R/O 1 SATA NCQ Send and Receive log
0x15 GPL R/W 1 Rebuild Assist log
0x21 GPL R/O 1 Write stream error log
0x22 GPL R/O 1 Read stream error log
0x24 GPL R/O 256 Current Device Internal Status Data log
0x25 GPL R/O 256 Saved Device Internal Status Data log
0x2f GPL R/O 1 Set Sector Configuration
0x30 GPL,SL R/O 9 IDENTIFY DEVICE data log
0x80-0x9f GPL,SL R/W 16 Host vendor specific log
0xe0 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Command/Status
0xe1 GPL,SL R/W 1 SCT Data Transfer
SMART Extended Comprehensive Error Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
No Errors Logged
SMART Extended Self-test Log Version: 1 (1 sectors)
Num Test_Description Status Remaining LifeTime(hours) LBA_of_first_error
# 1 Short offline Completed without error 00% 9 -
SMART Selective self-test log data structure revision number 1
1 0 0 Not_testing
2 0 0 Not_testing
3 0 0 Not_testing
4 0 0 Not_testing
5 0 0 Not_testing
Selective self-test flags (0x0):
After scanning selected spans, do NOT read-scan remainder of disk.
If Selective self-test is pending on power-up, resume after 0 minute delay.
SCT Status Version: 3
SCT Version (vendor specific): 256 (0x0100)
Device State: Active (0)
Current Temperature: 50 Celsius
Power Cycle Min/Max Temperature: 40/50 Celsius
Lifetime Min/Max Temperature: 20/56 Celsius
Under/Over Temperature Limit Count: 0/0
SMART Status: 0xc24f (PASSED)
Minimum supported ERC Time Limit: 65 (6.5 seconds)
SCT Temperature History Version: 2
Temperature Sampling Period: 1 minute
Temperature Logging Interval: 1 minute
Min/Max recommended Temperature: 0/60 Celsius
Min/Max Temperature Limit: -40/70 Celsius
Temperature History Size (Index): 128 (51)
Index Estimated Time Temperature Celsius
52 2024-11-14 13:32 53 **********************************
... ..( 7 skipped). .. **********************************
60 2024-11-14 13:40 53 **********************************
61 2024-11-14 13:41 52 *********************************
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71 2024-11-14 13:51 52 *********************************
72 2024-11-14 13:52 51 ********************************
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80 2024-11-14 14:00 52 *********************************
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96 2024-11-14 14:16 52 *********************************
97 2024-11-14 14:17 51 ********************************
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108 2024-11-14 14:28 51 ********************************
109 2024-11-14 14:29 40 *********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. *********************
112 2024-11-14 14:32 40 *********************
113 2024-11-14 14:33 41 **********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. **********************
116 2024-11-14 14:36 41 **********************
117 2024-11-14 14:37 42 ***********************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. ***********************
120 2024-11-14 14:40 42 ***********************
121 2024-11-14 14:41 43 ************************
... ..( 13 skipped). .. ************************
7 2024-11-14 14:55 43 ************************
8 2024-11-14 14:56 44 *************************
... ..( 6 skipped). .. *************************
15 2024-11-14 15:03 44 *************************
16 2024-11-14 15:04 45 **************************
... ..( 2 skipped). .. **************************
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31 2024-11-14 15:19 48 *****************************
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41 2024-11-14 15:29 48 *****************************
42 2024-11-14 15:30 49 ******************************
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49 2024-11-14 15:37 49 ******************************
50 2024-11-14 15:38 50 *******************************
51 2024-11-14 15:39 52 *********************************
SCT Error Recovery Control:
Read: Disabled
Write: Disabled
Device Statistics (GP Log 0x04)
Page Offset Size Value Flags Description
0x01 ===== = = === == General Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x01 0x008 4 8 --- Lifetime Power-On Resets
0x01 0x010 4 16 --- Power-on Hours
0x01 0x018 6 283443368 --- Logical Sectors Written
0x01 0x020 6 470497 --- Number of Write Commands
0x01 0x028 6 110628 --- Logical Sectors Read
0x01 0x030 6 1960 --- Number of Read Commands
0x01 0x038 6 57731900 --- Date and Time TimeStamp
0x03 ===== = = === == Rotating Media Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x03 0x008 4 8 --- Spindle Motor Power-on Hours
0x03 0x010 4 8 --- Head Flying Hours
0x03 0x018 4 35 --- Head Load Events
0x03 0x020 4 0 --- Number of Reallocated Logical Sectors
0x03 0x028 4 0 --- Read Recovery Attempts
0x03 0x030 4 1 --- Number of Mechanical Start Failures
0x04 ===== = = === == General Errors Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x04 0x008 4 0 --- Number of Reported Uncorrectable Errors
0x04 0x010 4 0 --- Resets Between Cmd Acceptance and Completion
0x04 0x018 4 0 --- Physical Element Status Changed
0x05 ===== = = === == Temperature Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x05 0x008 1 50 --- Current Temperature
0x05 0x010 1 51 N-- Average Short Term Temperature
0x05 0x018 1 - N-- Average Long Term Temperature
0x05 0x020 1 56 --- Highest Temperature
0x05 0x028 1 20 --- Lowest Temperature
0x05 0x030 1 52 N-- Highest Average Short Term Temperature
0x05 0x038 1 23 N-- Lowest Average Short Term Temperature
0x05 0x040 1 - N-- Highest Average Long Term Temperature
0x05 0x048 1 - N-- Lowest Average Long Term Temperature
0x05 0x050 4 0 --- Time in Over-Temperature
0x05 0x058 1 60 --- Specified Maximum Operating Temperature
0x05 0x060 4 0 --- Time in Under-Temperature
0x05 0x068 1 0 --- Specified Minimum Operating Temperature
0x06 ===== = = === == Transport Statistics (rev 1) ==
0x06 0x008 4 150 --- Number of Hardware Resets
0x06 0x010 4 1 --- Number of ASR Events
0x06 0x018 4 0 --- Number of Interface CRC Errors
0xff ===== = = === == Vendor Specific Statistics (rev 1) ==
|||_ C monitored condition met
||__ D supports DSN
|___ N normalized value
Pending Defects log (GP Log 0x0c)
No Defects Logged
SATA Phy Event Counters (GP Log 0x11)
ID Size Value Description
0x0001 2 0 Command failed due to ICRC error
0x0002 2 0 R_ERR response for data FIS
0x0003 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host data FIS
0x0004 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device data FIS
0x0005 2 0 R_ERR response for non-data FIS
0x0006 2 0 R_ERR response for device-to-host non-data FIS
0x0007 2 0 R_ERR response for host-to-device non-data FIS
0x0008 2 0 Device-to-host non-data FIS retries
0x0009 2 10 Transition from drive PhyRdy to drive PhyNRdy
0x000a 2 11 Device-to-host register FISes sent due to a COMRESET
0x000b 2 0 CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
0x000d 2 0 Non-CRC errors within host-to-device FIS
Recent ZFS Events
truenas_admin@nas[~]$ sudo zpool events -v
Nov 14 2024 14:31:38.341002753 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "boot-pool"
pool_guid = 0x2cbeedcd8520118b
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "(none)"
history_internal_str = "pool version 5000; software version zfs-2.1.99-2769-g3b73b0eb6; uts (none) 6.6.44-production+truenas #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Nov 8 18:37:36 UTC 2024 x86_64"
history_internal_name = "open"
history_txg = 0xa323f
history_time = 0x67365e2a
time = 0x67365e2a 0x14534a01
eid = 0x1
Nov 14 2024 14:31:38.357002753 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "boot-pool"
pool_guid = 0x2cbeedcd8520118b
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e2a 0x15476e01
eid = 0x2
Nov 14 2024 14:31:38.357002753 sysevent.fs.zfs.pool_import
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.pool_import"
pool = "boot-pool"
pool_guid = 0x2cbeedcd8520118b
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e2a 0x15476e01
eid = 0x3
Nov 14 2024 14:31:38.357002753 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "boot-pool"
pool_guid = 0x2cbeedcd8520118b
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "(none)"
history_internal_str = "pool version 5000; software version zfs-2.1.99-2769-g3b73b0eb6; uts (none) 6.6.44-production+truenas #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Nov 8 18:37:36 UTC 2024 x86_64"
history_internal_name = "import"
history_txg = 0xa3241
history_time = 0x67365e2a
time = 0x67365e2a 0x15476e01
eid = 0x4
Nov 14 2024 14:31:38.377002754 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "boot-pool"
pool_guid = 0x2cbeedcd8520118b
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e2a 0x16789b02
eid = 0x5
Nov 14 2024 14:32:04.077003110 ereport.fs.zfs.checksum
class = "ereport.fs.zfs.checksum"
ena = 0xe68d4933401c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x2
pool_failmode = "wait"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0xe68cf2005
vdev_delta_ts = 0x3dfa9
vdev_read_errors = 0x0
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x1
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x0
zio_flags = 0x100080 [CANFAIL DONT_PROPAGATE]
zio_stage = 0x400000 [VDEV_IO_DONE]
zio_delay = 0x0
zio_timestamp = 0x0
zio_delta = 0x0
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0x12b407e000
zio_size = 0x1000
zio_objset = 0x0
zio_object = 0x0
zio_level = 0x1
zio_blkid = 0x0
bad_ranges = 0x0 0x910
bad_ranges_min_gap = 0x8
bad_range_sets = 0x0
bad_range_clears = 0x2112
time = 0x67365e44 0x496f966
eid = 0x6
Nov 14 2024 14:32:04.097003110 ereport.fs.zfs.checksum
class = "ereport.fs.zfs.checksum"
ena = 0xe68d4933401c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x2
pool_failmode = "wait"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0xe6a0c22e4
vdev_delta_ts = 0x34aa4
vdev_read_errors = 0x0
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x1
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x0
zio_flags = 0x100080 [CANFAIL DONT_PROPAGATE]
zio_stage = 0x400000 [VDEV_IO_DONE]
zio_delay = 0x0
zio_timestamp = 0x0
zio_delta = 0x0
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0x12b4082000
zio_size = 0x1000
zio_objset = 0x0
zio_object = 0x0
zio_level = 0x0
zio_blkid = 0x2
bad_ranges = 0x0 0xa88
bad_ranges_min_gap = 0x8
bad_range_sets = 0x0
bad_range_clears = 0x19c6
time = 0x67365e44 0x5c82666
eid = 0x7
Nov 14 2024 14:32:05.425003128 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_internal_str = "pool version 5000; software version zfs-2.1.99-2769-g3b73b0eb6; uts nas 6.6.44-production+truenas #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Nov 8 18:37:36 UTC 2024 x86_64"
history_internal_name = "open"
history_txg = 0x28c0
history_time = 0x67365e45
time = 0x67365e45 0x19550878
eid = 0x8
Nov 14 2024 14:32:05.661003132 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e45 0x27661b7c
eid = 0x9
Nov 14 2024 14:32:05.661003132 sysevent.fs.zfs.pool_import
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.pool_import"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e45 0x27661b7c
eid = 0xa
Nov 14 2024 14:32:05.661003132 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_internal_str = "pool version 5000; software version zfs-2.1.99-2769-g3b73b0eb6; uts nas 6.6.44-production+truenas #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Nov 8 18:37:36 UTC 2024 x86_64"
history_internal_name = "import"
history_txg = 0x28c2
history_time = 0x67365e45
time = 0x67365e45 0x27661b7c
eid = 0xb
Nov 14 2024 14:32:05.793003134 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e45 0x2f44447e
eid = 0xc
Nov 14 2024 14:32:06.237003140 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_dsname = "spinners"
history_internal_str = "aclinherit=0"
history_internal_name = "set"
history_dsid = 0x36
history_txg = 0x28c4
history_time = 0x67365e46
time = 0x67365e46 0xe206184
eid = 0xd
Nov 14 2024 14:32:06.237003140 sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_start
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_start"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
resilver_type = "healing"
time = 0x67365e46 0xe206184
eid = 0xe
Nov 14 2024 14:32:06.237003140 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_internal_str = "func=2 mintxg=6819 maxtxg=10431"
history_internal_name = "scan setup"
history_txg = 0x28c4
history_time = 0x67365e46
time = 0x67365e46 0xe206184
eid = 0xf
Nov 14 2024 14:32:07.177003153 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_internal_str = "errors=0"
history_internal_name = "scan done"
history_txg = 0x28c6
history_time = 0x67365e47
time = 0x67365e47 0xa8cda91
eid = 0x10
Nov 14 2024 14:32:07.177003153 sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_finish
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_finish"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
resilver_type = "healing"
time = 0x67365e47 0xa8cda91
eid = 0x11
Nov 14 2024 14:32:51.867718631
class = ""
ena = 0x19896a988203801
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x19896a7ac4
vdev_delta_ts = 0x1eb4a
vdev_read_errors = 0x0
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x1
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x5
zio_stage = 0x2000000 [DONE]
zio_pipeline = 0x2100000 [READY DONE]
zio_delay = 0x1e297
zio_timestamp = 0x1989688f7a
zio_delta = 0x1eb4a
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0x42000
zio_size = 0x2000
time = 0x67365e73 0x33b855e7
eid = 0x12
Nov 14 2024 14:32:51.871718582
class = ""
ena = 0x19896cc93603801
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x19896cbaf3
vdev_delta_ts = 0x241ed
vdev_read_errors = 0x1
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x1
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x5
zio_stage = 0x2000000 [DONE]
zio_pipeline = 0x2100000 [READY DONE]
zio_delay = 0x23c6c
zio_timestamp = 0x19896a7906
zio_delta = 0x241ed
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0xcbbbfd82000
zio_size = 0x2000
time = 0x67365e73 0x33f55eb6
eid = 0x13
Nov 14 2024 14:32:51.871718582
class = ""
ena = 0x19896e515303801
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x19896e4a87
vdev_delta_ts = 0x17ef7
vdev_read_errors = 0x2
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x1
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x5
zio_stage = 0x2000000 [DONE]
zio_pipeline = 0x2100000 [READY DONE]
zio_delay = 0x17ac8
zio_timestamp = 0x19896ccb90
zio_delta = 0x17ef7
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0xcbbbfdc2000
zio_size = 0x2000
time = 0x67365e73 0x33f55eb6
eid = 0x14
Nov 14 2024 14:32:51.871718582 ereport.fs.zfs.probe_failure
class = "ereport.fs.zfs.probe_failure"
ena = 0x19896efc5103801
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x19896e4a87
vdev_delta_ts = 0x17ef7
vdev_read_errors = 0x3
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x1
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
prev_state = 0x0
time = 0x67365e73 0x33f55eb6
eid = 0x15
Nov 14 2024 14:32:53.716756097 resource.fs.zfs.statechange
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.statechange"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "REMOVED" (0x3)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_laststate = "ONLINE" (0x7)
time = 0x67365e75 0x2ab8d481
eid = 0x16
Nov 14 2024 14:32:53.716756097 resource.fs.zfs.removed
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.removed"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "REMOVED" (0x3)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
time = 0x67365e75 0x2ab8d481
eid = 0x17
Nov 14 2024 14:32:53.716756097 resource.fs.zfs.statechange
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.statechange"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "FAULTED" (0x5)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_laststate = "REMOVED" (0x3)
time = 0x67365e75 0x2ab8d481
eid = 0x18
Nov 14 2024 14:32:54.060274085 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e76 0x397b5a5
eid = 0x19
Nov 14 2024 14:32:54.085436563 ereport.fs.zfs.probe_failure
class = "ereport.fs.zfs.probe_failure"
ena = 0x1a05f906a602c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x1a05f88596
vdev_delta_ts = 0xad8e
vdev_read_errors = 0x0
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x0
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
prev_state = 0x0
time = 0x67365e76 0x517a893
eid = 0x1a
Nov 14 2024 14:32:54.278348898 resource.fs.zfs.statechange
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.statechange"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "REMOVED" (0x3)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_laststate = "FAULTED" (0x5)
time = 0x67365e76 0x10974462
eid = 0x1b
Nov 14 2024 14:32:54.278348898 resource.fs.zfs.removed
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.removed"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "REMOVED" (0x3)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
time = 0x67365e76 0x10974462
eid = 0x1c
Nov 14 2024 14:32:54.643204836 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e76 0x265686e4
eid = 0x1d
Nov 14 2024 14:33:11.082156951 resource.fs.zfs.statechange
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.statechange"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "ONLINE" (0x7)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_laststate = "REMOVED" (0x3)
time = 0x67365e87 0x4e59d97
eid = 0x1e
Nov 14 2024 14:33:11.102156702 sysevent.fs.zfs.vdev_online
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.vdev_online"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "ONLINE" (0x7)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
time = 0x67365e87 0x616c99e
eid = 0x1f
Nov 14 2024 14:33:11.710149114 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e87 0x2a5403fa
eid = 0x20
Nov 14 2024 14:33:11.710149114 sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.config_sync"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
time = 0x67365e87 0x2a5403fa
eid = 0x21
Nov 14 2024 14:33:16.882084572 sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_start
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_start"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
resilver_type = "healing"
time = 0x67365e8c 0x34938adc
eid = 0x22
Nov 14 2024 14:33:16.882084572 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_internal_str = "func=2 mintxg=10446 maxtxg=10458"
history_internal_name = "scan setup"
history_txg = 0x28de
history_time = 0x67365e8c
time = 0x67365e8c 0x34938adc
eid = 0x23
Nov 14 2024 14:33:17.638075138 sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.history_event"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
history_hostname = "nas"
history_internal_str = "errors=0"
history_internal_name = "scan done"
history_txg = 0x28e0
history_time = 0x67365e8d
time = 0x67365e8d 0x26084102
eid = 0x24
Nov 14 2024 14:33:17.638075138 sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_finish
version = 0x0
class = "sysevent.fs.zfs.resilver_finish"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
resilver_type = "healing"
time = 0x67365e8d 0x26084102
eid = 0x25
Nov 14 2024 14:33:25.537976552
class = ""
ena = 0x21565d0edf02c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x21565cd339
vdev_delta_ts = 0xef2d2b0
vdev_read_errors = 0x0
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x0
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x5
zio_stage = 0x2000000 [DONE]
zio_pipeline = 0x2100000 [READY DONE]
zio_delay = 0xef2c874
zio_timestamp = 0x21476a0089
zio_delta = 0xef2d2b0
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0x42000
zio_size = 0x2000
time = 0x67365e95 0x2010dee8
eid = 0x26
Nov 14 2024 14:33:25.553976353
class = ""
ena = 0x21574afbe002c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x21574ad64d
vdev_delta_ts = 0xfe0340c
vdev_read_errors = 0x1
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x0
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x5
zio_stage = 0x2000000 [DONE]
zio_pipeline = 0x2100000 [READY DONE]
zio_delay = 0xfe02fc4
zio_timestamp = 0x21476aa241
zio_delta = 0xfe0340c
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0xcbbbfd82000
zio_size = 0x2000
time = 0x67365e95 0x21050221
eid = 0x27
Nov 14 2024 14:33:25.553976353
class = ""
ena = 0x21574bcf1b02c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x21574bc625
vdev_delta_ts = 0xfe0f48c
vdev_read_errors = 0x2
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x0
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
zio_err = 0x5
zio_stage = 0x2000000 [DONE]
zio_pipeline = 0x2100000 [READY DONE]
zio_delay = 0xfe0f203
zio_timestamp = 0x21476ad199
zio_delta = 0xfe0f48c
zio_priority = 0x0 [SYNC_READ]
zio_offset = 0xcbbbfdc2000
zio_size = 0x2000
time = 0x67365e95 0x21050221
eid = 0x28
Nov 14 2024 14:33:25.553976353 ereport.fs.zfs.probe_failure
class = "ereport.fs.zfs.probe_failure"
ena = 0x21574d0a1d02c01
detector = (embedded nvlist)
version = 0x0
scheme = "zfs"
pool = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
vdev = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
(end detector)
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
pool_failmode = "continue"
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_type = "disk"
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_ashift = 0x9
vdev_complete_ts = 0x21574bc625
vdev_delta_ts = 0xfe0f48c
vdev_read_errors = 0x3
vdev_write_errors = 0x0
vdev_cksum_errors = 0x0
vdev_delays = 0x0
parent_guid = 0xe8c42350361a95d9
parent_type = "raidz"
vdev_spare_paths =
vdev_spare_guids =
prev_state = 0x0
time = 0x67365e95 0x21050221
eid = 0x29
Nov 14 2024 14:33:25.925971711 resource.fs.zfs.statechange
version = 0x0
class = "resource.fs.zfs.statechange"
pool = "spinners"
pool_guid = 0xa112750aa9ef7a6f
pool_state = 0x0
pool_context = 0x0
vdev_guid = 0xbbb37a2b8f7b6b0d
vdev_state = "FAULTED" (0x5)
vdev_path = "/dev/disk/by-partuuid/ae7d6fbf-d8d7-4cf0-b57c-de6548a21547"
vdev_laststate = "ONLINE" (0x7)
time = 0x67365e95 0x373134ff
eid = 0x2a
Closing remarks / Hardware Specs
I am at a loss here with where to go next. I believe the server hardware itself (minus the drives) is fine as everything worked with the old 4TB drives installed. I am hoping somebody with a little more ZFS knowledge than me might have some pointers for me before I destroy the array and test the two drives in question outside of the system.
Hardware Specs
ASRock Rack D1541D4U-2T8R Mobo
Intel Xeon D1541 CPU
Nvidia Quadro P400
Silverstone Case Storage CS382
Again any help would be greatly appreciated.