Plex and ACL Configuration

Hey there! I have the following Plex configuration, and as a newbie, it’s hard for me to understand if it’s supposed to be set up like this.

I have a dataset named Plex that I use as an SMB share, where I occasionally upload some videos. This dataset already has an ACL configured. Recently, I added a Plex server and linked this dataset as a host path. I set it as read-only and checked the “Enable ACL” and “Force ACL” options. What do these options mean? Do they somehow overwrite the ACL configuration I set for the dataset?

Should I just disable them?

I disabled it. I initially had some problems with Plex accessing the data, but they were resolved when I added both the apps user and the apps group to my dataset ACL. Frankly, I had added only the group and expected it to be enough. But it probably worked with a user as well, because I restarted the containers and repeated the entire process.