Replication task failes

Hey, i have a replication task that replicates a dataset recursively onto a hdd. It always fails and this is the error log:

I have no idea what the problem could be

Can you share how do you setup the task (and much info possible)?
Personally, never have had this error

https:// ibb .co/nwmsMGv
https:// ibb .co/gFJSQYD

and this is the automatically set-up snapshot task:
https:// ibb .co/KNV3ChF

Sorry for the spaces in the urls, this forum does not allow picture upload nor urls, like wtf

Don’t worry, but until you don’t read some post or partecipate to discussions those functionality are blocked (spam control).

Regarding your problem, honestly i don’t see anything wrong on the setup.
Found a similar topic, probably you can try to delete this datasets on the destination pool ssd-raid-backup/ssd-raid/timemachine-macmini/macmini and try again.
(And probably you want check full file system replication)

Were you able to resolve this problem without deleting and re-creating your target dataset? I just posted a similar issue and a possible workaround using zfs from the command line. Waiting to hear back before trying to use zfs directly though as I’d really like to avoid messing up my target dataset.

No sorry, i re created it