Falls Asleep on Boot

I’m running a Dell T3610 with 64gb of memory and Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz 3.70Ghz processor. I have a 256gb ssd, two 1tb ssds connected, 64gb of memory (8, 8gb RAM sticks).

I’ve installed true nas scale 24.10.2, and booted from usb. Then went through the install process and installed it on the 256gb ssd.

When I unplugged the boot usb truenas started booting up but then I just get this (image) and it just falls asleep.

I’ve attached the internal. The error also indicated there may be too many ram slots (max 4) so I removed 4 sticks and tried again. But I still get the same error so idk if this is the problem

Use the Service Tag to look up the specs and get the manuals for your Dell. Verify what slots the memory is supposed to go in.

You may want to run the Enhanced Pre-boot System Assessment to check the hardware. ePSA is what Dell called it.

Link to users Reddit post and posted images here.

Thank you, I’ve run the Enhanced Pre-boot System Assessment and it shows no problems found. I ran the advanced version too (~took 45 minutes) and it showed no problems. I’ve retried installation a few times and ive tried to installing the os to different ssds and still it doesn’t work.

Are you booting using UEFI or BIOS? Are you giving it a few minutes to continue or is the entire computer going to sleep or low power mode? I can’t tell if a process or the entire computer is Sleeping from the last bit.

Can you describe or screenshot the problems or where it gets stuck a little more? Maybe try booting the computer with a Live Linux version on a USB. Has any OS worked on this computer?

On the bios after clicking f2 i boot to the TrueNas that shows up on the list under the UEFI boot settings. I give it a few minutes to boot up and it loads up the terminal. Then I see the sleep message and entire computer goes on sleep mode (the monitor shows the lost signal message). I see true nas installer in devices connected to internet during setup process, but after its gone. Yes windows 10 pro used to be installed on the ssd. I will try booting with a linux iso now.

I’ve tried install debian and open media vault both failed. I then reinstalled windows and that worked fine.

UPDATE: Fixed i vacuumed the usb ports and it fixed it. Thanks for all the help!

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