Migration from TrueCharts

With the decision to switch to docker/docker compose from kubernetes, I have to ask how do we migrate all of the TrueCharts apps we have been using that we can no longer access? Is there a plan for this? If the plan is “nuke and repave”, I may switch to UNRAID.

There’s No Migration plan for truecharts apps from iX. Truecharts has their owm migration Plans. It includes a vm with talos Linux and a Script to migrate the installed Apps to the vm. If you dont want to use a vm it’s nuke and recreate. Only the custom and iX Apps will migrate from kubernetes to docker.


Why can you no longer access them? TrueCharts have removed their app catalog, which prevents you from installing new apps[1], but doesn’t affect whatever apps you already have installed.

But the answer is as Lars said: TrueCharts is working on the migration path, which will move the apps to a virtual machine (which can run on TrueNAS or elsewhere) running Talos Linux. The only slight disagreement is that I think they’re planning to do this using their clustertool binary rather than a script.


  1. unless you find one of the copies of their chart repo, which isn’t hard to do ↩︎

OK, that sounds like a house of cards. If I want to migrate from the TC apps to TN official ones, is there a guide somewhere? I would need to export my configs, deploy the TN versions and import the configs. Also I would need to find TN equivalents for ones that are not in the TN catalog like traefik.

Looking at the true nas app library there is a number of apps not available.

Examples when i look at my library being


Are there plans to fill out the Truenas library now truecharts have parted ways ?

Where is this idea coming from that TrueCharts and iXSystems ever had anything to do with each other?

So no feedback on the actual question, rather than focus on semantics of the type of working relationship they had.

Truenas will maintain their Docker library the same as they maintained their Kubernetes library. But just because some software was included in Truecharts doesnt mean it’s Truenas responsibility to also include it now that Truecharts removed their repo.

The good thing about Docker is you will be able to easily add all the apps you want yourself even if they are not in the official catalog.

I think I answered this question pretty thoroughly in this post:

Generally speaking, you should not expect that the official catalog will expand to cover each and every app you may want.
Look into using compose+Dockge (or Portainer, or whatever else for a GUI) to install apps yourself. Copy-pasting yaml files is not too difficult if the app provides a template.
Or wait for TrueCharts to provide their migration solution if you want to keep using their catalog and just click buttons.

You do realize the ix official/community and truecharts apps are based on other people’s docker images, right? Not discounting the templating work people did to create the charts, but it will be pretty simple to roll out any of those apps with docker-compose.

Of course.

But I’m not looking for a new hobby monitoring and updating dockers.

So would have preferred if they appear to use one managed rather than do the work myself.

you can setup something like watchtower which monitors your docker container and updates them automatically. But given the fact that e.g. nextcloud regularly breaks on updates i personally prefer doing manual updates. And pressing two buttons in portainer to tell it to pull a new image and redeploy the app it’s not really time consuming.