Moving PC cases, have question about TrueNAS Raid system

I am gonna be moving my entire TrueNAS server to a different computer case and because I’ll have to unplug literally everything to move the parts, when I go to replug the OS SSD and Raided together drives, does TrueNAS care which drives were plugged into specific SATA ports? Or does it just figure out the order of the drives on its own? I don’t know how picky Raid Z1 is about the order in which drives are plugged into and I didn’t want to have any data loss or errors because I don’t know what I did wrong unknowingly. If someone could please let me know before I start any hardware moving I’d great appreciate it. I realize I could just take photos and mark every drive and cable so that I do plug them back into their original ports, but I also don’t know how robust TrueNAS Core is either.

Nope. Obviously you need to set your system to boot from the right device, but other than that it doesn’t matter.

Do a backup of your current configuration file and save elsewhere just in case you need to do a complete, new boot install.

You should be able to do a complete, new boot install and upload the config and be back to working. I don’t know how much your hardware changed.

Which since nothing is changing about the system, just the case it lives in, and since the bios already knows the boot drive, then I should be safe to change which case it lives in, and as you say booting from the right drive, then it shouldn’t matter then for sure?

I wouldn’t expect it to.