SMB Shares / Dataset permissions help

I have datasets defined like below

  • user1
  • user2
  • shared
    • user1
    • user2
      i have the same structure for photos_data for example.
      user1 sees his own data and no one can see the data, but they can see the user1 name (i don’t want them to see the name)
      shared/user1 can see both shared/users and data but can only write to his own shared/user1 - no delete (working as desired)

I tried to make the same permission structure so that the users shared home data works in the same way. but the autofs mapping still seems to map shared/user1 as root. i.e.
home-data/user1 - appears as root as it should
photo-data/shows all users directory names (user1 data) + all shared users and data
home-data/shared/user1 - appears as root from shared/user1 ** i want this to work like the photos