Several times I have accidentally deleted an app that wasn’t intended. For example, I might have selected an app’s check box and clicked delete on the right, but the actual app selected for deletion was a different one than the check box.
I think prompting for the app name on delete would be a straight forward approach to protecting against this, similar to the prompt that occurs when deleting datasets
That sounds more like a user error or a bug that should be reported. The checkbox not matching the app. Are you able to reproduce the issue, document and submit a bug report through Feedback?
I was just browsing the docs and trying to figure out how you did it. See figures 9 and 10.
Figure 9 show an app select but not checkboxed and a Delete option on the far right for the app, graphite-1.
Figure 10 is showing Bulk Actions. It looks like you can delete multiple apps at once? It’s sort of a bad image as it doesn’t show more apps in the listing
To the point that I have configured a dummy app to fit at the top of the list as thats the one I am always deleting. Otherwise I keep deleting filebrowser (which isn’t a huge pain - just a nusiance)